Mission Possible Week 4 Pojan & Greece
Mission Possible Week 4 Gypsy Village of Ratha, Muslim Village of Pojan, & Thessalonica, Greece This past week we helped with the VBS at the church in Pojan every morning. We also had a festival, family outreach in the gypsy village of Ratha, and Kids club before moving on to adult ministry in Thessalonica, Greece. As we entered into the village of Ratha carrying our speakers, it was an experience like none other. Children came out from the woodwork, some familiar with us from the soccer and ESL classes, some just because they were intrigued and caught up in the mass exodus (or in this case arrivalus) . It was rather humbling to be treated as such celebrities, but we knew that we had a message greater than that of any famous movie star, or pop singer. " To me , though I am the very least of all the saints , this grace was given...